الجمعة، فبراير 23، 2007


Y me YA danna, Am sick :'(I don't have energy 4 thinkin :'(
yala I'll try not to be the LAZY one who will stop the tag cycle,,,
10 things about me!!!mmmmm,, let's c..

1) Am 23 years old Sudanese girl.

2) Pharmacy student.

3) born in UAE & grew up there, but returned to Sudan to join the univ about 4 years ago..

4)I like classic, calm, romantic type of music & songs with good words.

5) I like the view of sunrise, it's a soooo good start 4 the day... I also like the sunset view cause it's really charm...

6) I love ((love)) itself,,, I love (( love stories)), (( love songs)), (( romance movies)), & of course I love (( bein in love ;) ))

7) I like meetin new people & makin lots of friends but sometime I prefer to stay alone & think about my life, & usually translate my feelings on paper as poems or paintings.

8) I REALLY enjoy nature, specially water (( rains or seas))playing with water make me happy just like a little kid & BTW I also like playin with mire :D

9) MY OWN THINGS R MINE & ONLY MINE SO PLEASE DON'T TOUCH OR BORROW.... yes ana ka3ba but that's me. I can't change my self.

10) I enjoy laughtin, kiddin & even tricks.... but take care I'm gettin older & gettin nervous ,don't know Y !!!!

Well, who will be tagged next??
mmmmmm, here u are, Bro Ayman

هناك 4 تعليقات:

Precious يقول...

LOL we are all Gettin older.. sucks dsnt it! :s

Daana يقول...

loooooooooool....ya3ni 3yza takne3eeni ino al 7ajat al katbaha di mafi zool 3arifa 3annik...da 7anakik ya eman...ma3leesh baseeta..lakin 7ilwa 7ekayat ka3ba di..al feeki it3arafat.

Eman يقول...

ya precious 2 or 3 years more & I'll start lieing about my age. lo0o0o0l.. bes I hope all people will forget the year I born in...

Eman يقول...

lo0o0o0l ya danna, what do u want me to talk about??!! akeeed I'll say the good things only, w kaman waretkom enne KA3BA, 3awzen sheno aktar men keda, lo0o0l
ente shaklek 3awza taf'9a7ene, adfa3 leke kam w taskote?? :-P